3 Tips for Building A Thriving Online Community

By: Katie Shannahan

Creating a thriving online wellness community takes time, and it’s an investment worth making. A recent study by Vanilla Forums shows 58% of online communities say their customers are more loyal to the brand because of their community.

A successful online community comes with many benefits, including improved customer retention, adding brand advocates, and removing dependency on promotions and advertising.

Implement the three tips below to create a thriving online community.

1.   Celebrate your Community Members:

At the end of the day, as an instructor, your Balance Community should serve your students. Creating value-based content tailored to your students will improve the customer experience and increase brand awareness.

One way to accomplish this is to celebrate students when they hit a milestone. This will show that you recognize your student’s success, strengthen your relationship with that specific student, and encourage others to reach those same milestones.

Examples include:

  • Completed 100 classes with you
  • Referred 5 people
  • Highest participation rate


2. Track and Measure Everything:

To ensure your efforts are successful, you’ll need to take a look at your analytics. Pay attention to engagement rate, conversion rates, sign-up rate, etc., to evaluate your community growth and performance against the goals you’ve established for yourself.

If you don’t see improvement, there might be a bigger issue within your business. You may want to reevaluate your online business model. Perhaps you’re new to the virtual class format and haven’t quite worked out the kinks. If this sounds like you, check out our blog “How To Teach Yoga and Fitness Online in 2021 and Beyond”.

3.   Join and Learn From Other Communities:

There are so many online communities that have found the formula to success. Borrowing ideas from other success stories and testing them on your community and students is a fantastic and efficient way to grow your community faster. By learning from other communities, you can increase your engagement, direct people to your Balance practice, grow your community and increase the number of your students.

Building your online community is KEY. Learn more about other thriving online communities here.

To learn more about the benefits of joining Balance as an instructor, please visit https://www.balance-withus.com/instructors and start your Starter account today.

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