Conferencing 101 | Health, Wellness, & Fitness

By: Customer Support

Attending a conference as a health, wellness, or fitness professional can be a great avenue for collecting all your required continuing education or be a great tool for networking. These conferences often have the approval of major education providers and can provide a low-cost option for continuing education. In terms of networking, you can often meet other professionals that are looking to build their business and find that edge to help them grow their careers. In this episode of the Balance Podcast, host Tyler Valencia shares his insight into conferencing, having been a consultant for a conference company and currently being a presenter.

One of the best tips you will hear in this episode revolves around learning about topics outside your wheelhouse. The lectures at conferences come from various topics, and picking lectures that aren’t your normal favorites can help you expand your knowledge base and ultimately improve the quality of your coaching.

Do you have a favorite reason for attending a conference?

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