
How to Grow a Community of Engaged Students

Building an engaged online community can have a domino effect on your brand and service offerings. As an instructor, building and nurturing your customers can positively impact a wide range of business outcomes: from driving more leads to improving brand loyalty to increasing user retention. As a student, being a…


3 Tips for Building A Thriving Online Community

Creating a thriving online wellness community takes time, and it’s an investment worth making. A recent study by Vanilla Forums shows 58% of online communities say their customers are more loyal to the brand because of their community. A successful online community comes with many benefits, including improved customer retention,…


How To Effectively Price Your Wellness Classes, Sessions, and Memberships on Balance

  When moving any yoga or fitness practice online, as a fitness instructor, you will need to put a value on your time and intellectual property.  This is often a difficult decision and you may find yourself asking, “What’s a fair price? “What is my experience and knowledge worth?” and…


How to Teach Yoga and Fitness Online in 2021 and Beyond

  The fitness industry took a serious turn when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Many fitness instructors and studios were forced to pivot and move classes online, resulting in a permanent change to how the $32 billion industry works. In fact, 72% of fitness clubs are now offering on-demand and livestream…


Breathwork To Calm The Nervous System

  When anxious or stressed, our nervous system is involved. The autonomic nervous system has two branches: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for fight-or-flight responses and short-term survival, while the parasympathetic nervous system is at work for rest/digest states and is necessary for long-term…


Alternative Remedies To Reduce Stress

  Humans are estimated to have used plants medicinally for as long as we have existed.   It’s been said—Mother Earth provides everything we need, in nature, to survive and thrive. I personally like to take the natural route to soothe everyday stressors, so let’s do a brief breakdown of stress…


A Complete Beginners Guide To Clean Eating

  This is one of those subjects that has been around for a while now. There is a ton of information out there and it can get pretty intense and overwhelming. This article is meant for people who struggle to eat clean consistently, don’t know where to start, or give…


4 Mantras for Increased Self Love

  “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserves your love and affection.” Buddha. Isn’t it strange how normal it is to be our own worst critics? It’s not uncommon for there to be a sense within us of “unworthiness” or “not good enough”. But, how often…


10 Books to Deepen Your Yoga Practice

We’ve compiled a list of 10 books to deepen your yoga practice, inspired by the yogi’s/yogini’s that came before us! Intend to go within, grow, and expand as you read these books, making your own discoveries and conclusions. Be prepared to have your practice impacted in the best way possible!…


Tips For Beginning Yoga

  If you’re thinking about starting yoga or have already started and still consider yourself a newbie, you’ve come to the right place. Every one of these tips deserve their own post. Implementing them has the ability to create endless possibilities to positively impact every area of your life. But,…