Spirit Dance | Balancely

Spirit Dance

Spirit Dance is an unprecedented stress management and wellness program that accelerates optimal health by stimulating the healing process from within. It is the latest in musical healing and movement meditation that achieves long-lasting results for mind, body and spirit. Doctors and wellness practitioners worldwide have verified the effectiveness of this unique program for over 10 years.

Spirit Dance healing occurs naturally in each person as they listen and create individual movements to sounds and live music from around the world. Additionally, there are breathing, visualization, and interactive music sessions to help facilitate transformation and well-being.

Spirit Dance can be customized for individuals, groups, and organizations as a focused stress management program or as a fun and empowering activity for people of all ages.

Spirit Dance is great for any wellness related program or activity, particularly as it relates to productivity and the ability to better manage stress in the workplace and at home.

To purchase music, visit - https://newdayhealing.net/world-music/
To learn more about our services and media kit, visit - https://www.spirit-dance.com/media.html

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